Jakiś czas temu w Empiku zauważyłam coś, co mnie dość mocno zdziwiło. Buszując między półkami pełnymi książek, zauważyłam pewnego pana. Na pierwszy rzut oka dało się rozpoznać, że był bardzo ubogi, może nawet bezdomny, nie wiem. Mężczyzna siedział przy regale i czytał książkę, o ile dobrze pamiętam jakiś komiks. Był tak skupiony na czytaniu, że nie zwracał uwagi na nic innego. Widać było, że sprawia mu to wielką przyjemność. Zwykły komiks, a mógł sprawić tyle radości.
Some time ago in Empik I noticed something that surprised me a bit. Going between shelves full of books, I noticed a man. At first glance, I could recognize that he was very poor, perhaps even homeless, I don't know. Man sitting next to shelf and read a book, if I remember a comic. He was so focused on reading, he doesn't pay any attention to anything else. It was evident that makes him great pleasure. Just comic and could cause so much happiness.
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Most of us have money for a book, movie or other forms of culture. When we hear the word "reading" many of us think "boring". I love readng and during the holidays I decided that I would do this every day. This allows to get away from reality and problems. Not only that, we immerse in something that interests us, it's still draw benefits from it, such as expanding vocabulary and sometimes even some wisdom. I love to read in the evenings. It's quiet, no one bothers, it's dark. I light a favorite candle, immerse in a sea of pillows on my bed and I move into a different world. It's a moment just for me. This man can't afford such a moment, so that derives joy in bookstores. It was quite a positive surprise. The stereotypical, poor man rather not associate with someone who hangs out with a book. This man showed me how such a simple act can make so much fun, no matter in what conditions.
Jakiś czas temu w Empiku zauważyłam coś, co mnie dość mocno zdziwiło. Buszując między półkami pełnymi książek, zauważyłam pewnego pana. N...